The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) is a unique nonprofit that unites the collective strengths of the insurance industry to help communities and enrich lives through grants, volunteer service and leadership.  IICF exists to provide and generate support for designated charitable and nonprofit organizations that help to meet critical community needs, and to reinvest in local communities where funds are raised.
Through the collaborative efforts of insurance companies, reinsurance companies, employees, agents and brokers and strategic partners of the industry, the Foundation supports community nonprofits meeting local needs throughout the United States and United Kingdom. IICF supports programs in the areas of education, children at risk, homelessness, food insecurity, disaster preparedness, environmental responsibility, veterans and health and safety.
Since its inception in 1994, IICF has awarded more than $25.3 million in community grants to charities and nonprofit organizations. More than 240,500 hours of volunteer service have been completed for community nonprofits.  #insurancegivesback
To learn more please visit www.iicf.org.


Plan nationally. Implement locally.


The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) helps communities and enriches lives by combining the collective strengths of the industry to provide grants, volunteer service, and leadership. 


IICF is a unique nonprofit that unites an entire industry to work together for the common good. We enable competitors to work side-by-side for their communities. The companies that work through IICF are not doing it to improve their individual company profiles or brands. They are simply doing the right thing.
Funds raised through Oktoberfest support the IICF Ohio Community Grants Program, brining much needed proliferated support to our local nonprofits and benefit that community. IICF also collaborates with the Ohio nonprofit partners to encourage volunteer service and activities in our communities. 


The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation

  • Works to elevate the industry by providing a clearer industry image.
  • Addresses the philanthropic responsibility of the industry, providing a call to action and a belief that our industry makes an impact through its philanthropic endeavors.
  • Provides camaraderie among competitors by drawing together dedicated insurance professionals committed to giving back to the community.
  • Enables a greater community impact through industry collaboration.
  • Provides an objective third party voice calling attention to the collective philanthropic efforts of the industry.
  • Collects, records and shares fact-based philanthropic data from across the industry.
  • Assists coordination of disaster response efforts and maintains a record of industry contributions and support.
  • Possesses influence with government and community leaders at the local, regional and national levels.
  • Maintains a unique position between the communities we assist and the industry we represent.
If you would like to learn more about IICF, please contact IICF Midwest Executive Director
Mary Cummins at mcummins@iicf.com.